Onsite Testing

Given the increase in global IT outsourcing agreements, many companies will be looking at outsourcing testing as an independent validation and acceptance phase in order to ensure high quality deliverables and gain competitive advantages.

To achieve these benefits, organizations select an outsourcing partner who will typically have local and offshore test capabilities as well as a strong onsite consultancy presence.

Pegasie is a service provider that offers OnSite testing as well as providing QA innovations, support and continuous improvements. Pegasie provides many benefits to companies who are seeking to improve the quality of their production applications, reduce business risk through rigorous testing and to augment and improve upon the incumbent testing teams and processes.

Some of the critical success factors for outsourcing testing engagements include:

  • Ensuring that the business objectives agreed at the outset of the contract or business case are managed through to successful completion
  • Noticeable and continuous improvements in the approach and methods used within your IT organization (not just testing)

When taking on the challenge of outsourcing your testing, there are many things that should be considered and accounted for before any contract is signed.

Pegasie can also take on the end-to-end program management and delivery of a project on behalf of the client. Once Pegasie takes on the project from a client, they deploy a team onsite that works with the client managers and teams and coordinates the work with the client.

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